Many breeders in every specie that utilizes AI and Embryo Transfer may wish to store semen or embryos off their farm. This could be to reduce risk of loss from failure of or damage to cryogenic equipment on farm; it could also be for faster shipment of genetic material when you sell it to a buyer who cannot pick it up at your farm.
We have capacity in our office to store over 50,000 straws of semen or embryos. We also have shipping containers suitable for transport by UPS or Federal Express. These storage containers are recharged weekly with nitrogen to insure the best quality storage for your semen and embryos. Our charges for storage are not on a “per unit” basis but on a “per location [canister]” basis, which means we do not commingle different owners in the same locations to minimize errors in adding and removing to/from storage.
Storage is billed on a quarterly basis, at $3.00 per box per month. Each box has a 240 straw (24 full canes) semen capacity. This can be included within the annual nitrogen service contract option should we also be bringing nitrogen to your farm containers.
Shipping is billed at the actual carrier rates, plus a $10 fee for packing and a $15 fee for liquid nitrogen and the wear and tear to the shippers (they tend to wear out in 100 uses)
We have semen in our storage that has been maintained since 1958 and is still viable.
Note that we are unable to provide insurance against the failure of our equipment to perform properly, our only protection is the regular monitoring this equipment gets.
Likewise, claims with UPS or Federal Express for semen that does not arrive in proper frozen condition have generally not been honored.